CCNA Security

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CCNA Security helps students develop the skills needed to succeed in IT-related degree programs and prepare for the CCNA Security certification. It provides a theoretically rich, hands-on introduction to network security, in a logical sequence driven by technologies.

The goals of CCNA Security are as follows:

  • Provide an in-depth, theoretical understanding of network security
  • Provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to design and support network security
  • Provide an experience-oriented course that employs industry-relevant instructional approaches to prepare students for associate-level jobs in the industry
  • Enable students to have significant hands-on interaction with IT equipment to prepare them for certification exams and career opportunities

Upon completion of the CCNA Security course, students will be able to perform the following tasks:

  • Describe the security threats facing modern network infrastructures
  • Secure network device access
  • Implement AAA on network devices
  • Mitigate threats to networks using ACLs
  • Implement secure network management and reporting
  • Mitigate common Layer 2 attacks
  • Implement the Cisco IOS firewall feature set
  • Implement the Cisco IOS IPS feature set
  • Implement site-to-site IPSec VPNs
  • Administer effective security policies

Chapter Outline

Chapter/Section Goals/Objectives
Chapter 1. Modern Network Security Threats Explain network threats, mitigation techniques, and the basics of securing a network
1.1 Fundamental Principles of a Secure Network Describe the fundamental principles of securing a network
1.2 Worms, Viruses and Trojan Horses Describe the characteristics of worms, viruses, and Trojan horses and mitigation methods
1.3 Attack Methodologies Describe common network attack methodologies and mitigation techniques such as Reconnaissance, Access, Denial of Service, and DDoS
Chapter 2. Securing Network Devices Secure administrative access on Cisco routers
2.1 Securing Device Access and Files Configure secure administrative access and router resiliency
2.2 Privilege Levels and Role-Based CLI Configure command authorization using privilege levels and role-based CLI
2.3 Monitoring Devices Configure network devices for monitoring
2.4 Using Automated Features Secure IOS-based routers using automated features
Chapter 3. Authentication, Authorization and Accounting Secure administrative access with AAA
3.1 Purpose of AAA Describe the purpose of AAA and the various implementation techniques
3.2 Configuring Local AAA Implementing AAA using the local database
3.3 Configure Server-Based AAA Implementing AAA using TACACS+ and RADIUS protocols
Chapter 4. Implementing Firewall Technologies Implement firewall technologies to secure the network perimeter
4.1 Access Control Lists Implement ACLs
4.2 Firewall Technologies Describe the purpose and operation of firewall technologies
4.3 Context-Based Access Control Implement CBAC
4.4 Zone-Based Policy Firewall Implement Zone-based policy Firewall using SDM and CLI
Chapter 5. Implementing Intrusion Prevention Configure IPS to mitigate attacks on the network
5.1 IPS Technologies Describe the purpose and operation of network-based and host-based Intrusion Prevention Systems
5.2 Implementing IPS Implement Cisco IOS IPS operations using SDM and CLI
Chapter 6. Securing the Local Area Network Describe LAN security considerations and implement endpoint and Layer 2 security features
6.1 Endpoint Security Considerations Describe endpoint vulnerabilities and protection methods
6.2 Layer 2 Security Considerations Describe basic Catalyst switch vulnerabilities such as VLAN attacks, STP manipulation, CAM table overflow attacks, and MAC address spoofing attacks
6.3 Wireless, VoIP and SAN Security Considerations Describe the fundamentals of Wireless, VoIP and SANs, and the associated security considerations
6.4 Configuring Switch Security Configure and verify switch security features, including port security and storm control
6.5 SPAN and RSPAN Describe Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN) and Remote SPAN (RSPAN)
Chapter 7. Cryptography Describe methods for implementing data confidentiality and integrity
7.1 Cryptographic Services Describe how different types of encryption, hashes, and digital signatures work together to provide confidentiality, integrity, and non-repudiation
7.2 Hashes and Digital Signatures and authentication Describe the mechanisms to ensure data integrity
7.3 Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption Describe the mechanisms used to ensure data confidentiality
Chapter 8. Implementing Virtual Private Networks Implement secure virtual private networks
8.1 VPNs Describe the purpose and operation of VPN types
8.2 IPSec VPN Components and Operation Describe the components and operations of IPSec VPNs
8.3 Implementing Site-to-Site IPSec VPNs Configure and verify a site-to-site IPSec VPN with pre-shared key authentication using SDM and CLI
8.4 Implementing a Remote Access VPN Configure and verify a remote access VPN
8.5 Implementing SSL VPNs Configure and verify SSL VPNs
Chapter 9. Managing a Secure Network Given the security needs of an enterprise, create and implement a comprehensive security policy
9.1 Secure Network Lifecycle Describe the secure network lifecycle
9.2 Self-Defending Network Describe the components of a self-defending network and business continuity plans
9.3 Building a Comprehensive Security Policy Establish a comprehensive security policy to meet the security needs of a given enterprise
Chapter 10. Implementing the Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA)  Implement firewall technologies using the ASA to secure the network perimeter
10.1 Introduction to the ASA Describe the ASA as an advanced stateful firewall
10.2 ASA Firewall Configuration Implement an ASA firewall configuration
10.3 ASA VPN Configuration Implement remote-access VPNs on an ASA


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